What makes me “me”
My drive and determination isn’t just found in my work. This drive shapes my life. Whether I’m working, training or competing in an event, or helping run my triathlon club, I give things my all. In this section of the site, you will find more about the things that make me tick.My career in a nutshell
My career has seen me operate in a wide variety of roles in a wide range of organisations. At the age of 20, I found myself consulting on client sites which taught me a lot about short-term engagements, and how to approach assignments. Moving to Oracle was a life-changing decision, and I spent my time on-site working on ERP system implementations and customisation. I enjoyed this immensely, but started to get itchy feet, and having worked for Oracle in the USA for six months, I secured a permanent international transfer to Oracle Australia in Melbourne. Here I had my first experience of team leading, with teams up to 6. I was proud to win regional and national consulting awards for my work. A family decision brought me back to the UK. Freelance contracting on the Oracle ERP suite proved successful, however starting a family meant that my lifestyle needed to change, so I took a permanent role at Toshiba. We’re all allowed one career mistake, so we’ll move quickly along to my 9 years at esure.esure
esure was in start-up, and I was given a small team, which I developed to 25, before programme managing a strategic piece of work involving 100 people and a budget of £3M. This was delivered to time and to budget, giving me a spring-board to e-Commerce programme manager. I was offered the opportunity by the Chairman to move to marketing to head up e-commerce, which I happily took.Moving to marketing
I started in digital marketing in 2006, growing my team, budget and responsibilities before moving to Hiscox – a conscious decision to work for a premium brand. I was looking to market to a different audience and further develop my marketing and e-commerce skills. A change in role led me to leave in 2014, seeking a broader remit that was also closer to home while I had a young family.Through the line
While at Kelliher Insurance Group I was responsible for digital and traditional/ offline marketing and e-commerce. I managed all digital and offline acquisition and brand marketing across the group, enjoying this end to end responsibility. I feel that for small to medium sized organisations this single point of responsibility for expenditure and income across all media and channels is the model that best ensures integrated planning, measurement and delivery.Start-up insurtech
I joined Ticker a few days after they started trading, and assumed responsibility for all aspects of digital marketing. Working in a small, fast-paced start-up environment required a shift in mindset – changing direction and taking on additional responsibilities as required. As digital acquisition demanded less time, I took interim responsibility for the out-source call centre and customer relations. With COVID-19 closing all driving test centres, the demand for telematics insurance for new drivers dropped, and I was made redundant.Telematics insurtech startup
Kudo Insurance is a small challenger brand that it set to change the way insurance is viewed. I joined in a multi-layered role, focussed initially on the delivery of the policy administration system, and then more widely across the whole piece. Bringing 20 years of insurance experience to the table, I was a core part of the birthing of the business.Pre-revenue telematics startup
Zixty is a challenger brand launching into an existing market. Giving customers the option to offset their driving CO2 for free, and with a range of coaching and tips, Zixty provides a genuine alternative to the existing players in the space. I’ve been brought in to plan and deliver all marketing elements of the business launch.If you’d like to know more about me or my services, and how I can help your business, please get in touch. I’d love to chat.