War Memorial
Originally unveiled in November 1921, the memorial carried the names of the 440 local service-people who lost their lives in the Great War. The memorial was later revised in 1995 (50 years after the war ended) to incorporate the names of 202 people from the borough who died in the second world war. There’s also a small garden of remembrance.
Leave the Castle Grounds via the tall gates that are behind and to the right of the war memorial, pausing immediately as you pass through the gates.On your right is an old gas light – which looks like it belongs in Rome, or Egypt. Originally erected circa 1824 at the junction of the London and Epsom Roads, it was one of the first gas lamps put up by the Guildford Gas Light and Coke Company. To your left, and now long gone, the original Guildford Swimming baths once stood. Built in 1889 and closed in 1969, the Castle Street Baths held a heated 20 yard pool. Some came here to swim, and some simply to rinse the grime off.
Edward I sundial
Now looking diagonally to the left over the road, you’ll see a sundial flanked by Edward I and Eleanor of Castille. The young couple routinely spent time at Guildford castle, before tying the knot in 1254 and then engaging in enthusiastic succession planning. Online research suggests that they had an unknown number of children, numbering between 16 and 20. It’s a wonder he had time for being King. (Try not to notice the spelling mistake on the sundial)…Watching carefully for traffic coming from 3 directions, including from over your right shoulder, cross Castle Hill and walk ahead down Tunsgate until you reach Tunsgate Arch.
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